10 Fun Double Date Ideas to Try with Another Couple

double date tips

A double date is a fun arrangement when two couples come together to engage in a variety of activities, outings or events. These couples can be either friends or acquaintances. This provides an opportunity for couples to spend quality time fostering friendship, strengthening connections and creating shared experiences. It’s a great way to build a meaningful social network and practice your social skills too!

Testimonials have confirmed that double dating helps you to strengthen relationships, deepen connections and add an exciting flavor to your conventional outings. In this balanced setting, each couple can enjoy quality time together while cultivating a sense of camaraderie. What’s more, everyone gets to know everyone better in a different but relaxing social context! When you build the right atmosphere, double dating encourages different personalities and perspectives that can definitely expand your outlook. The key is to build a lively and engaging atmosphere.

When you step outside your comfort zone, try new things and embrace a wide variety of experiences. You make valuable memories that you will cherish in the long term. If you plan to celebrate milestones, or special occasions or simply enjoy each other’s company in a fun and memorable manner, double dating is certainly a good idea. From relaxed evenings filled with laughter to adventurous outdoor activities, there is surely something for every type of couple who highly value experiences in life. Here are some of our double-date tips and ideas for a smooth experience!

When can you propose a double date?

Wondering when the most appropriate time to pitch a double date is? As I see it, there is a range of scenarios where suggesting a double date would be appropriate.

When you want to spend time with another couple to strengthen your friendship

The first one would be when you and your girlfriend would like to spend some time with another couple and strengthen your friendship! You should totally consider having a double date. For example, you are keen to take your girlfriend to a new gallery. You also know your best friend’s girlfriend is an artist. In this case, you’d better initiate a double date! I’m sure everyone will benefit from this outing. There will be lots of enjoyable conversations, inspiring information and new ideas. You will learn a lot from this experience and probably from each other as well. Oftentimes, when a double date has a particular theme like visiting the gallery, it’s a much more meaningful and enlightening experience.

When you’re looking to explore a shared interests

Second, if you and your girlfriend have a shared activity or interest that the other couple would also happily enjoy, you can suggest a double date. For instance, you and your girlfriend are very interested in the new movie Barbie. You know the other couple work in the movie industry. Then, you could ask them if they are interested in going to the movies together with you & your girlfriend. 😊

When you’d like to introduce a new couple to your existing circle

Third, when you would like to introduce a new couple to your existing circle of friends, you can start this process by introducing them to your girlfriend. Let’s say you’ve met a new couple via networking and you want them to join your social circle. Instead of organizing a big house party where all of your friends will attend, you can organize a double date where your girlfriend will meet this new couple first. If things go pretty well, you will gradually introduce this new couple to your entire social circle. 😉

When you’d like to celebrate a special occasion differently

Next, if you are planning a very special celebration or occasion and want to make it an unforgettable group experience, you can consider a double date. Joshua is planning his girlfriend’s birthday. Rather than making it a standard birthday party at home, Joshua invites his girlfriend’s best friend Emily and Emily’s boyfriend to their apartment for a birthday party, which is a fantastic way to celebrate his girlfriend’s birthday while creating beautiful memories.  

When you’re looking for company to experience a new place, or event

Lastly, when you and your girlfriend want to try a new restaurant, participate in an event or attend a concert, it would obviously be more fun to share the wonderful experience with another couple that you are close to. Of course, for those who truly value experiences in life, please refer to the double-date tips and ideas below.

10 double date ideas that every couple should try:

1. Outdoor picnics and hiking

Research shows that outdoor activities are more beneficial than indoor activities because people need more fresh air and sunshine. This is especially after COVID-19. A major study suggests that the majority of people lack Vitamin D due to spending too much time indoors. In fact, most people spend a large amount of time sitting in front of a computer or watching TV on the couch.

Hence, going hiking or organizing an outdoor picnic would be much more helpful. You will have more things to talk about if you and your girlfriend go out with another couple. If you are going to have an outdoor picnic, you can make things simple and bring simple drinks and snacks. My favorite drinks for an outdoor picnic are fruit juice cocktails. My partner’s favorite snacks for a picnic are chocolate and chips! So, if you invite us to a double date, those are what we will bring! 😂

2. Cooking Challenge

If you’d like to try a new recipe, why not make it a cooking challenge at home? Invite a couple that you trust to your place & everyone will cook something new for the group dinner. That means you will have at least 4 courses to enjoy in the evening! Last month my partner and I invited my best friend and her boyfriend to our place for a cooking challenge. The 4-course meal was delicious: deep-fried Brussels sprouts – mushroom soup – fish – date pudding. We were really satisfied by the therapeutic cooking experience and the divine dinner on a Sunday night! Yes, I love having fun on Sunday night because that’s when most people don’t have any plans.

Truthfully, many people have told me that they are bored on Sunday night. They don’t look forward to going to work on Monday morning. Thus, I think it’s very important to organize something interesting on Sunday night just to feel better! As long as the activity on Sunday night doesn’t last for too long, it can help us remain positive! I never liked extremely long dates, so the double date lasted for 4 hours maximum. It went from 5 pm to 9 pm: 4 people, 4 courses and 4 hours! It was seriously perfect! 🍽️  

3. Game night extravaganza

After working so hard for a week, Friday night is an exciting time to have a game night with another couple. It makes for a more fun extravaganza. This doesn’t have to be a video game. Actually, you can organize other games such as ‘Truth or Dare’ to explore something different! Benjamin and his girlfriend recently had a game night with their neighbor. The neighbors were a couple who were interested in ‘Truth or Dare’. They have learned so much about each other through that hilarious experience.

4. Outdoor movie night

If there is an outdoor cinema in your local area, you would be well-advised to see an outdoor movie with your girlfriend while spending the night with another couple. After seeing the movie, you will clearly have more insights to share with each other. This is because of various people’s input regarding the movie. I often invite a couple that are outstanding thinkers to join me and my partner for an outdoor movie night as I appreciate their comments on the thought-provoking movie! 

5. Trivia night at a local pub

A trivia night is a fabulous way to have a good time while getting to know more people. If you attend the trivia night with your girlfriend as well as another couple, you will be able to maximize your group’s chance to win the prize!

6. Outdoor sports day

Dr Christiane Northrup famously said, “Sitting is the new smoking”. Thus, an outdoor sports day will be an amazing opportunity to have more physical exercise while building connections with people. Riding a bike is my personal favorite & I highly recommend this activity to you if you are looking for double-date tips that are easy to implement!

7. Volunteer together

Let’s make double dating even more meaningful by being volunteers together! I know some couples volunteer at local op shops/second-hand stores to support the local economy as well as charities and protect animals & their double dates are very successful!

8. Scavenger hunt adventure

If you and your girlfriend have a garden or a backyard, why don’t you have a scavenger hunt adventure with another couple? Make it even more fun by coming up with a wildly creative prize for the winner who finds everything first! My partner and I did that with another couple last weekend & the prize was a good book! All of my close friends are avid readers because learning is very important to us!

9. Karaoke night

Back when I was younger, I used to sing at a bar. During those days, my partner at the time and I made it a tradition to celebrate our anniversary with a karaoke night every year. Interestingly, we’d always extend the invite to my cousin and her boyfriend. Wondering why? Well, they happen to be skilled dancers, and their moves synced flawlessly with the music! Even if you’re not an expert singer or dancer, karaoke is worth a shot for the sheer joy and lasting memories you can create together.

10. Group fitness class

If you are a gym member already, perhaps you can attend a group fitness class with your girlfriend and another couple who are also passionate about health and fitness. A recent study shows that when you attend a group fitness class with people that you already know, they hold you accountable psychologically. As a result, the group fitness class becomes much more effective for you!

But remember – While traditional gym workouts do definitely have their merits, group fitness classes offer an array of exciting options to explore. If conventional workouts aren’t your cup of tea or if someone in your group prefers a different approach, there’s a world of fun-focused fitness waiting to be discovered. From dance-based classes that transform exercise into a rhythmic adventure to high-intensity interval training that keeps you on your toes, the options are endless. Embrace the chance to switch things up and find a class that aligns with everyone’s interests.

Please note that although the perks of double dates are obvious, some warnings about double dates shouldn’t be ignored. Hence, I highly encourage you to carefully read the section below and don’t hesitate to write a comment under this blog article if you have any other concerns or questions that you would like us to address for you. Our team members will be very happy to help you in every way possible.

Some warnings about double dates:

Though double dates can be rewarding and enjoyable, it’s really important to consider several potential challenges and warnings that might arise in this process. But don’t worry. There isn’t any major problem! 🥰

Managing conflict

First and foremost, you have to be good at managing conflicts. Just like any social gathering, conflicts or disagreements may arise during double dates as well. Basically, when more people are involved in something, there is a bigger chance for things to go wrong. You already know that you and your girlfriend have existing issues to manage within your relationship. So when another couple is added to the dynamics, there might be new conflicts for you to deal with. Having said that, you don’t need to look for perfection. Simply be realistic, practical and down-to-earth!  

Different relationship stages

In the second place, different relationship stages may cause a potential challenge during a double date. Greg and Heidi have been married for 23 years, while Simon and Kaylee have just met each other. Clearly, it’s paramount for them to be sensitive to each other’s comfort levels and needs. Being mindful of these differences is being considerate: Greg and Heidi know each other extremely well, so they tell all sorts of jokes. In contrast, Simon and Kaylee have just started dating; consequently, they haven’t even reached that comfort level yet! 

Money considerations

Additionally, not every couple can afford the activity that you and your girlfriend want to do. Gerald and Jo are going to an upmarket restaurant for a fancy dinner on Saturday night. They have invited their friends Lucas and Wala as well. Lucas and Wala are young university students who don’t have full-time jobs whereas Gerald and Jo have high-profile jobs. So, Gerald and Jo have informed Lucas and Wala that the younger couple won’t need to pay for the dinner. They gave the reasoning of it being Gerald and Jo’s idea to try that expensive restaurant. This is a way to avoid awkwardness at the end of the romantic dinner.

Power imbalance

Moreover, the potential imbalance may cause a misunderstanding. Just like any group context, double dates could sometimes create an imbalance in dynamics. For example, one couple dominates the interactions and/or overshadows the other couple’s conversations. Inclusiveness is so key because you have to make sure that everybody is engaged. This reminds me of my university days when only a few students were answering the lecturer’s questions in class, whilst other students were bored and neglected, which was unfair.

Conflicting schedules

In addition, if everyone is busy, conflicting schedules can be another challenge that you have to overcome. This is particularly challenging if you have kids. Apparently, you would be well-advised to ask your family members to look after your kids when you go out for a double date. Of course, if the other couple have kids, they need to organize babysitting with the help of someone else in advance, too.

Communication, coordination

Also, I know this sounds like a cliché, but it’s absolutely paramount – communication and coordination are of vital importance. Highly effective coordination and communication between two couples are the key to a successful double date. Be sure to talk about expectations, logistics and activities first to avoid conflict or misunderstandings. Sean and Simona invited Stu and Ellie to their house for a dinner party. Sean and Simona’s original plan was to play video games with Stu and Ellie after dinner. However, Stu and Ellie aren’t interested in playing video games at all. Fortunately, they discussed their specific plans before the dinner party, so they merely had long and stimulating conversations after dinner. Everyone was very happy!  ✅ 

Varying compatibility

Last but not least, varying compatibility is something that you must consider if you are looking to organize a high-quality double date. Remember: not all couples have the same personalities, interests or compatibility levels. You would be well-advised to select double-date activities that cater for everybody’s needs/preferences. It will ensure a positive experience for everyone that is involved.

Frequently Asked Questions: 

1. Is a double date weird for a second date?

Answer: Yes, in my view, ideally, a double date shouldn’t be initiated if it’s at the very early stage of a relationship unless another couple invites you to a double date & you like the activities they offer. Usually, people need more time to get to know each other before being introduced to a new social circle. Therefore, I recommend double dating to couples that have been together for longer, e.g., at least a few months together! ❤️

2. Is it a good idea to go on a double date for your first date?

Answer: Probably no. The first date requires you and your date to have deep and meaningful conversations without any distractions. So perhaps you’d better consider double dating when you and your date have known each other much better!

3. What are your thoughts on double dating or group dating?

Answer: Double dating is a marvelous way to inject adventure and excitement into your social life. If you have a date night each week, you might have a double date once a month. Group dates can help you to hone your social skills. When you invite all your friends and their partners to a group date, you will have to practise your social skills!

A few years ago, I worked for an organization whose director invited all staff members and their partners to the director’s house for a group date once a year. Every group date was amazing because each couple brought something nice to eat/drink! Of course, the director cooked some yummy food for all of us as well. Each group date was a huge party that helped us know each other so much better. I am sure we will be life-long friends. Indeed, some of those people have helped me in tremendous ways after I left that organization simply because we remain really good friends in the long run! 

4. What are some fun weekday activities couples can do together?

Answer: Have an indoor picnic by ordering take-out meals and watching Netflix at home! Yes, I understand that you don’t necessarily want to cook dinner after working for a whole day. So it’s perfectly fine to use Uber Eats or Door Dash in order to help you with your fun weekday activities as a couple. My partner’s sister uses Uber Eats almost every day. His brother uses Door Dash at least four times a week! They have very good feedback on these food delivery services.

5. How do you make a double date memorable?

Answer: A double date becomes more memorable if it offers a unique experience. Plan the double date really well in advance and surprise people in a good way by finding out what they like doing. If you know your girlfriend loves cupcakes, then maybe you should secretly order cupcakes and get someone to deliver cupcakes to your house after dinner! Don’t forget to figure out what the other couple like doing and make some phenomenal plans as well.

6. Anything I should keep in mind during the double date?

Remember to be cautious with your humor and to moderate your alcohol intake during the double date. It’s important to avoid causing offense and to ensure that the double date goes well enough to warrant a repeat in the future! Do your best that the conversation is inclusive and everyone can participate, so avoid telling too many inside jokes.

Modern couples looking for some change should totally embrace double dates that encourage people to step outside of their comfort zones. Life is short! Create lasting memories while strengthening connections with people around you through shared experiences that you will remember. In this way, you will be able to broaden your horizon and make life & love more satisfying!

By the way, if you are still looking for a solid date, it’s time for you to join SimplyDating.com where you can meet eligible single ladies from Ukraine who are looking for serious long-term relationships with trustworthy men.  As a bonus, we offer lots of dating advice for novice and veteran daters!

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